What's new with FEXBots?

Update 5-3-2024

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Added !ticket new/view - Added a !ticket new/view command to create/view tickets with a 24-hour token. When clicked, it gets cached so you may return without using the command for 24 hours. Also moved /improve to tickets and !mail FEXStaff now links to ticket system.

Update 5-3-2024

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Added a FEXBot ticket system - Added a ticket system to contact FEX staff outside of xat, in case no staff are in chat. FEXBot staff will get notifications when there are tickets needing response. The ticket submitter will also get notifications from bots if their ticket needs responded to.

Fix 4-29-2024

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Slight modification to fix trial > register in reference to time added - Registering bots through /register (rather than /trial) gives 49 days of bot time instead of the previous 45, so there is no more advantage to using trial then adding time over just buying an account

Update 4-27-2024

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!edit pstyle sunburst - Added !edit pstyle gradient sunburst, which checks if the bot has the aces power as it's a subscription power

Fix 4-14-2024

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Email changing for FEXBot account - Fixed not being able to confirm email without waiting 600 seconds due to limit, now bypasses limit for valid /newemail/ codes to send the confirm email to the new email

Fix 4-12-2024

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Count power fixes - Fixed !countpower, !promolive and the /tools/countpower generator to the new format

Fix 4-3-2024

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New bot appearance - Modified default FEX appearance - Now blue name/status, with cubeupload image so it doesn't show invalid, flashrank is off by default, hat and hat code default to blue pawn

Fix 4-3-2024

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!edit move - !edit move now checks if the chat exists before moving the bot

Fix 4-3-2024

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!botstat twitch - Fixed botstat twitch - Code update

Fix 4-2-2024

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Autoradio - Improvements to fetching radio URL for auto radio and !song - Now caches successful method for quicker results

Update 2-6-2024

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!autotemp activetime - Added !autotemp activetime - Allows you to set a duration in minutes to require the user's in autotemp list to have talked or joined within this time.

Fix 1-30-2024

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Mode uno fix - Fixed !use 0 color for mode uno

Update 1-30-2024

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Adding Pawns to app/gamerace - Added pawns to !app and !gamerace (also re-coded a bit for consistency, easier to add for new powers)

Fix 1-1-2024

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!misc promocost - Fixed !misc promocost due to xat website changes

Fix 12-27-2023

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!powerinfo fix when used on FEXBot ID - Fixed !powerinfo command when using it on the bot's ID

Update 12-14-2023

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Moderation name/status detection improvement - Moderation name/status detection (smilie/inappropriate language) chances improved. If maxkicks are enabled, a detected user is kicked and won't be kicked/banned if they rejoin within 10 seconds, previously the bot only re-scanned after they rejoined again or sent a message. It now also scans again a minute later after being kicked to ensure they corrected their name/status.

Update 12-14-2023

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!mail store/unstore id1 id2 id3 - Added !mail store/unstore id1 id2 id3 etc... so you can bulk store/unstore mail IDs. It will return what IDs failed due to being invalid or already added and the successfully changed IDs.

Fix 12-12-2023

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Latest power detection improvements - Re-coded how the bot determines the latest power and updates the latest power tags. It now does so much more efficiently to 1. Ping xat's server much less 2. If using the latest power tags in name, status, or avatar, the bot will rejoin the chat when it sees the latest power change 3. When a manual power is set, it correctly uses it in all cases (this is necessary for the times when xat releases a lower power ID than the previously released)

Fix 11-28-2023

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!mail scheduling - Better detection for scheduled !mail messages, it no longer prevents messages with ”

Update 11-21-2023

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Automatic FEXBot price discount website notifications - Added automatic notification bars on the website when a discount is upcoming and when it is active.

Update 11-21-2023

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Automatic FEXBot price discounts - Added automated discounts for Black Friday (30%) and Christmas (40%), this works for transfer, spendspare and adjusts !converttime command.

Update 11-15-2023

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https://fexbots.com/tools/pgo/leaderboards - Re-added, optimized and improved the leaderboards page for PGO. Now shows ties for all places as well.

Fix 11-10-2023

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!powerinfo missing/emissing - Fixed https://fexbots.com/powers not properly showing days value when switching filters.

Fix 9-2-2023

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!rank [rank] all - Fixed !rank [rank] all - Delay was needed between ranks.

Fix 9-2-2023

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!autotemp - Fixed autotemp not working with maxmods online setting due to recent xat changes; also re-coded for more responsive performance.

What is FEXBots' pricing? Why choose FEXBots?

  • FEXBots HTML 5 verification


Four day trial to try out the bot before you love it. Why choose FEXBots over the other competitors? Play our custom Pokemon Go (PGO) game. The popular uno game! Think you're smart enough to reach the leaderboards on Trivia? Which team will you win as in Werewolf mode? Battle Pokemon on Pokebot!

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