1. When using our service, logging in or registering, you agree to our terms and conditions.
2. This service may not be used to transmit anything (including messages, links and material) that could be found law-breaking, pornographic or is deemed inappropriate by xat.com or by the developers of FEXBots.
1. Please see
xat's Terms of Service as well as reading ours.
2. Developers of FEXBots reserve the right to prevent access to the service at their discretion.
3. You may NOT
1. Disrupt use of the service.
2. Attempt to exploit any part of the service.
3. Use this service to PROMOTE OTHER BOT SERVICES.
4. Harvest or collect any personal information.
5. Use this service if you are legally not allowed.
6. Modify, reverse engineer, or change any part of the service.
7. Let others borrow or "rent" your bot or account for any payment/profit whatsoever.
8. Re-sell your FEXBots account or re-sell your FEXBots time.
9. Impersonate
FEXStaff or
FEXBots assistants.
10. Claim you are
FEXBots staff in any way, including using the bot.
4. FEXBots
1. Does not guarantee that everybody will use the service properly.
2. Reserves the right to moderate and monitor the service.
3. Reserves the right to terminate your use of the service at any time for any reason.
4. Reserves the right to modify, view, edit, delete: users, and bots without any notice.
5. Reserves the right to change the terms of service without any notice.
5. Bot Accounts
1. If you are renting your bot to people (letting users pay to use it for a destined amount of time), You will be deemed as breaking our terms, and your account will be terminated with your ID blocked from buying bots.
6. Donations
1. Are non-refundable.
2. Go towards the continued operation of this website/service.
7. Refunds
1. FEXBots is NOT responsible for refunds, you may halt the use of our service at any given moment, however you will not be reimbursed.
2. If you go to another bot provider and request a refund you will be DENIED.
DISCLAIMER: FEXBots is provided "as is", and "as available", without any warranty. FEXBots will not be responsible for any misuse of this service.