All xat debug commands - [Pasted by Jad on April 28 2014, 2:52 AM] (Views: 477)This paste will never be removed. /debug clearlists - Clears messages/users (only you can see it, everything comes back after signing out and in again). /debug aimtest - Sends a PC to yourself from "someone" on AIM, used for testing the IM version of xat. (Removed) /debug avs - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned. /debug cacheback - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned. /debug zappri - Supposed to change all of the IP's to localhost ( /debug primary - Changes the IPs to a different set of xat servers. /debug shadow - Changes the IPs to a different set of xat servers. /debug gctrick - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned except for send a help message with gctrick=whatever. /debug smilietest - Sends a bunch of messages for all of the smilies (not sure how to explain). /debug fakemessage - Send a bunch of "fake" messages (no one else can see) with a bunch of random words. /debug avtest 1-3 - Sends a bunch of messages with an avatar you choose (1, 2, or 3). /debug xtrace - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned. /debug msgcount - Supposed to count the messages on the chat. Don't know if it works, haven't tried. /debug feed - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned. /debug fps number - Sets your FPS. /debug cache - Puts a bunch of spinning smilies on the screen. Refresh to get rid of them. /debug nocache - Puts a bunch of (pty)/party smilies on the screen. Refresh to get rid of them. /debug smstats - Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned. /debug dp - Assign group powers without going to powers->and clicking on the power you want to assign (won't go into further detail on how to do it exactly). /debug bump - Bump someone without having (bump) power. /debug stest - Some sort of macro test it looks like. Doesn't do anything as far as I am concerned, as I haven't tested it and gotten a result. /debug - Display FPS, along with other debug things. /debug graph 0-9 - You have to do /debug first, then /debug 1-9 (0 = off).