Tag list for the !countdown command - [Pasted by Jad on September 25 2015, 8:31 AM] (Views: 448)This paste will never be removed. {time-hours} - Time hours {time-minutes} - Time minutes {time-seconds} - Time seconds {time-ampm} - Time AM or PM {time-month} - Full month {time-day} - Day of the month {time-year} - Year {time-timezone} - Timezone abbreviation {time-full} - Month Day, Year at Time AM/PM Timezone | Example: December 25, 2015 at 12:00 AM CDT {countdown-full} - Days, hours minutes, seconds. | Example: 100 days, 10 hours, 05 minutes, 00 seconds {countdown-days} - Countdown days {countdown-hours} - Countdown hours {countdown-minutes} - Countdown minutes {countdown-seconds} - Countdown seconds Example using the tags: 1. !countdown add Christmas December 25 2. !countdown message Christmas Christmas is in {countdown-full}! Result: Christmas is in 90 days, 15 hours, 40 minutes, 10 seconds.